Dear Family & Friends,
First I must apologize for taking so long to get caught up...our internet has been down. Thanks to my sister, Victoria who came to visit today, it is up and running again. Who knew she was so savvy at these things!!
So, should I start out by talking about how well Allie is doing medically (for the most part)? She looks great. She's eating two to three meals a day and with the exception of one very frightening episode a few days ago, has been relatively stable with regard to her blood pressure. During a transfer from bed to chair Ron, Adam and I watched her face go pale and for a very brief but scary time she took on that blank stare which I know all to well is her passing out. Thank God it was brief and after "bagging" her for some extra big breaths and getting her back to bed for a few minutes we were able to help her into her chair for an incident free afternoon.
Friends continue to come by and spend time with her which is all she lives for right now. How blessed we are to have such wonderful people surrounding us. Other than a couple doctor's appts. and one fun trip to the pre-school Allie has not left the house. Hopefully, we will venture out soon to have dinner or see a movie. We still have the rental van which is a terrible financial drain but Allie would feel even more isolated and unsafe without it. We've purchased a van and hope to have it here the first week of September.
Maybe I should only talk about the good stuff but that would be very dishonest and misleading. Maybe that is what people want to hear, I'm not sure but you've all been way to loving and supportive, I think for that.
The truth is that Allie's sadness, feelings of loss and grief is so deep that there are times I fear I will start crying and never stop. By the time we are my age, we've all experienced loss of someone we love. This is so very different. When you lose someone you love you never forget them or the pain you feel when they first go away. Time however does ease that pain. I worry that this pain will not ever go away. Every morning Allie wakes up to a body that will not move no matter how hard she tries to make it. She cries. We talk about the future. I try and assure her that it will get better. It will not always be like this. Her path is a different one she envisioned before the accident but doesn't necessarily have to be a bad one.
Yesterday, Allie cried for the burden she thinks she has created for the family. She worries we will lose our house. She worries her friends will forget her and stop coming around. She worries I will become too old to care for her. She worries she will not recover. She worries that her friends are upset by her loss and that she cannot even give them a hug to make them feel better. Today she had to say goodbye to Haley who is off to college in San Diego. This is a most difficult time as friends return to school.
She wants to be able to comfort, say goodbye and hello to her friends with a hug her body will not enable her to give. She knows the power of a hug. My daughter is worried she can't comfort others! I try and tell her that a hug can be given with words and the look in a persons eyes. I might be lying to her. I'm not sure there is a subsitute for a hug. I lay down with her, wrap my arms around her and get as close as I can. Cheek to cheek I promise her it will get better. It will. She will have miraculous recovery. We will settle for nothing less.
Thank you for your prayers, unbelievable financial donations, incredible meals and friendships.
Prayers to Jerry, Ian and Connor for continued recovery.
We love you all.
Love, Peace & Happiness,

Thursday, August 27, 2009
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To hear that you are worried about everyone else just makes my heart sink. Allie you are such a beautiful person and trust me when I say your friends will never stop coming to see you. So many are praying for you and ready to support you in any way possible. I know I am not alone when I say that you have captured a huge piece of my heart and I am honored to call you my friend. When things don't seem so good, never forget you are dearly loved, honored and respected.
ReplyDeleteWe are not here to share only the good times! You should know that by now. We are here for you to laugh with, cry with, be angry with, WHATEVER it is that YOU need. God has blessed you with the strength to take care of your daughter but never said you had to be happy all the time. You, above all, know this all too well.
Just know that we WANT to hear how things are going. Good AND not so good. Short of camping in your yard, this is the only way those of us who do not know you can keep in touch with Allie's progress.
Don't stop!!!!! I look every day for word about how she is doing, whether it's from you or one of Allie's friends or other family members.
People CARE about you, your daughter and your family. We may not be able to make everything better but we do care!
Question for you...has anyone done anything about getting Allie up and online with ADA technologies that she can operate??? Knowing someone who has been in a similar position for over 25 year now, I know the sense of connectedness and freedom that a computer can offer. I know people who may be able to help with this. Please email me at if you are interested.
Allie.... Connor and the family look forward to seeing you on Sunday!!! Just like you, Connor was and is a hugger lover... He was known for his "Connor hugs"... where he would lift you high in the air and wrap those huge muscular arms around you. He misses that, WE miss that. But we still hug... Like you said Deborah, Cheek to cheek, snuggling close, and sometimes (it breaks my heart) he asks me to wrap his arms around me. Allie, You and Connor are strong..... Don't stop trying to give those hugs...We love our hugs from you guys, we all still need those cheek to cheek, kisses and loves..... I can't wait for the day when you two can look back and see all this in the past, will heal!
ReplyDeleteSee you on Sunday Allie.....
Mrs. W, and family
Sending you all a big "virtual " hug.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your amazing and honest post.
It was so nice to sit with you and Ron yesterday.
Sending love and positive thoughts to your whole family!!
Much love!!
PS;Glad to see you are back online.
Now isn't that just like Allie to be concerned with how everyone else is dealing with this. That is just heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteAs a mother I know too well how ridiculious the words "don't worry" are......
So sweet sweet Allie try not to worry about the rest of the world. There is not one person around you that would not do whatever it takes for you.
I so wish there were more we could do for you and your family right now. I will continue the prayers for your recovery.....
Allie, you are and will always be my best friend, i love you so dearly, i will always be there for you, even though i am in San Diego we are together in our hearts and in our spirits, that is the power of our friendship.
ReplyDeleteDeborah, you amaze me everyday, you are my hero
Ron, I love you so much, you are an incedrible father, you're love for Allie is powerful, you are a healer
Adam, keep your head level, keep your head up. I love you
I miss you all already! Im flying home Oct 2 for the weekend of my birthday, i look forward to seeing you all. Many Kisses and Hugs
I love you Allie and I will be by soon. I keep you, your mom and dad in my thoughts always. Kerry
ReplyDeleteInstead of a hug...just smile!
Your smile will brighten up everyone's day.
It dose help.
Ok, I can barely see my screen as my eyes are all wet with tears and my heart is breaking for you Allie. I too, look everyday for your posts and read about the ups and downs of this unpredictable life of yours.
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone! You are a wonderful person who is loved by people who do not even know you. (Me)
The whole Valley would love to hug you and reassure you that God has a purpose for you. And that someday you will feel this love and know that you are safe and filled with peace.
Stay positive and ask the Lord for inner strength when you are down.
I'm praying this peace comes to you quickly.
Just another SLV Mom
I'm with "Just another SLV Mom" because I am one.
ReplyDeleteI don't know you, Allie or your family but I've heard your friends talk about you and what a special person you are.
Never give up...You can make a difference in people's lives. What am I saying? You ARE making a difference in people's lives, in a good way. I pray that your spirit stays alive and that you find passion for living again! You are an inspiration...
God Bless You,
Another SLV Mom
There is not one day that goes by that i don't think of you Allie. As many people have told you al, you are so very strong. You have taught me so much. I admire you for that. Your a wonderful friend Allie and we all know you have a big heart! Never forget that. Keep your hopes high and never loose faith. We do the possible and God does the impossible! I will be seeing you soon. i love you little girl in big shoes :)
ReplyDeleteI also want to give much love to the family, all of you are unbelievable. Yes these are very hard times but the positivity and unconditional love that comes from each of you in amazing. Stay strong and know that you all are wonderful. Allie is so very blessed to have you!!!
God Bless <3 <3
You don't know me, but I send love and light to you and your family often.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me either, but you know my food :) & I was glad to hear you liked what I made for you all! Would really like list of foods that are loved & welcomed, and food that you definitely don't like.
ReplyDeletea little birdy told me In N Out burgers are a favorite - just like this side of the hill to not have one!
I'll make sure to have cool little surprise for you Allie to go with my meal delivery :) & make you next turn the 11th...
I remembered your fur people, but forgot a little something special for you Deborah, so this next time.....sending smile with meal for you too...:)
Another Valley Mom
Hi sweet Allie, I think of you and your mom everday. I thank God that you are the beautiful beloved
ReplyDeleteperson that you are and I thank him that he gave you the best MOM in the world. Keep your faith and know that you are touching lives through your struggles and your joys. Stay strong. And even though it is not a hug, a smile goes a very long way. Hugs and Kisses to you and how blessed you are to have friend like Haley and she in you.
I love you Pomianowskis. I feel honored to be as much apart of your family as I am. Growing up with Adam, even being born on the same day as him, meant to be friends since birth. And its no lucky chance that our parents get along so well. I feel privileged to have a second family like you guys and i love you all. Allie, seeing your smile every time i bring your food down brightens my day or evening or whatever. Your so strong its unbelievable. Anything any of you will EVER need you know ill be there in a second. Love to you all. MUCH LOVE
ReplyDeleteDrink your water ;)