Dear Family & Friends,
First off a giant Thank You to Lacrosse & Football Coach's Curtis and Morris for organizing the fundraiser at Redwood Pizza. I hear the turnout was great.
Maybe it was being too afraid to attend the pizza event, maybe it was the encouraging messages she's been receiving on this blog, and maybe the not so subtle pressure I've been applying but, out of the blue the other day Allie said she wanted to go out to dinner and that she wanted to go to Mama Mia's. Wow. Who would have thought I'd be so excited at the thought of going out to dinner. Allie was actually voluntering to go out in public. To make it even easier I had received some cash (from a very generous anonymous person -THANK YOU-) so we didn't even have to feel guilty for indulging. When we got into town we were happy to see Keenan getting off the bus so he joined Ron, Adam, Allie and I for dinner. I hope Allie noticed that as we made our way to the restaurant every driver we passed had a smile for us, every face in the restaurant had a smile. I saw no stares and heard no comments. We ran into a couple of friends, which was great, and Allie lit up with things to say to all (in her very slight whisper of course). My daughter's incredibly beautiful smile continues to be the best and brightest part of any day, when I am blessed enough to see it. Allie was nervous and tried to put off suctioning as long as possible but the couple times it was necessary, Ron hit the alarm button asap to minimize the noise (goes off when you remove the breathing tube from the trach) and with the suction machine in its case and on the floor, the noise is minimal. The act is unusual but really need not be anymore distracting (maybe less so) than a person coughing or sneezing. All in all the evening was a great success.
This coming weekend is the lobster fest at Henry Cowell and Kerry has generously offered to treat us, if Allie will agree to go (BTW Kerry can't let you treat all of us you already do more than enough!). Brianna is coming from Chico to join us. Wish us luck on this our next outing as Allie learns to find comfort and take control of her world with its new challenges.
This month will be a very busy one for Allie. Tuesday she gets her Gtube removed (stomach feeding tube). I would have liked to have seen it removed before we left the hospital but it is typical to leave it in for a while (often a very long while or sometimes forever) in the event a person is unable to eat for any reason. Its removal marks for me a positive leap of faith. Also, this month she will have a trach change, x-rays of her neck, and an appointment with the neck & spine surgery doc. Unfortunately, we have seen little improvement at this point, in any strength or mobility in her neck muscles. She still requires someone to hold her head during transfers from bed to chair and back. She can't move her head to get comfortable on her pillow and is dependent on us to help her get it where she wants it to be. Also, being up in her chair (in spite of a custom head rest) she still has the "bobble head" thing going which is painful and extremely annoying to her. In spite of all, I have seen a wonderfully positive change in Allie lately. She has found her sense of humor again and will occasionally tease her dad and me and sometimes even make jokes about some of the harsher realities of our situation.
For the first time since the accident, this weekend, I found myself asking "why did this happen to Allie, why my baby girl?" -- please do not misunderstand, I would never wish this on anybody's child --. I was upset seeing her disappointment at a situation that didn't work out as she had hoped/planned (although she did her best to put up a good front). Like all moms, it's always difficult to watch a child in pain over being let down about something. Now when it happens, it is almost unbearable. Regardless, I was immediately ashamed of myself. The question is pointless, having no answer. Energy spent on it a waste of time and emotion. Bad things happen to good people. This I have always known.
Right now, Allie may not be able to breathe on her own, or move her arms and legs but her heart remains generous, sensitive, appreciative, vulnerable, and her brain remarkable. I love my little girl with everything I have (slightly less vulnerable a heart and not nearly as generous, certainly a far less remarkable brain). I love her more than ever no matter her physical limitations. As I am sure, anyone that really knows her would. I remain in awe at her ability to cope. Still, I pray multiple times a day for her recovery. And I ask you all, to please do the same. The ability to move her body didn't make her any more as special a person than she now is, but it allowed her a freedom to participate in the world in the way she longs to.
In the meantime I acknowledge October gifts: Two of my children's birthdays (Anjel & Adam), Allie's new sense of humor and her more frequent smiles, the absence of her feeding tube, and all of you!
And to Sharon -- such a great idea about the porch for Allie and you are so very kind and thoughtful. When you were here, you missed seeing the front of the house where we have a large beautiful covered porch that Allie can enjoy all year long.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Love, Peace & Happiness,
On an incredibly sad note we just heard that our friend, Maydene Petty, lost her battle with cancer this week. We mourn her loss and our hearts go out to her two daughters, son and husband. She will be terribly missed. We are so very sorry.

Monday, October 5, 2009
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love you both and i will be over soon..i talked to bri this morning and i am so proud of u al for the great effort and courage u have been using to overcome any insecurity u have- even tho we all know ur big smile should leave u with no insecurity ;)
ReplyDeletexoxoxo i love u all, see u soon, only a few more days and i'll be there! <3 jo
Miss Allie, I am so glad that you are pushing yourself to do more. I think one of the comments left before by Erica was right on the money. First, that what a way to take your life back and the part about a smile. I too believe you may get looks but people just don't know how to respond. They don't want to make it look like they pitty you but want to show support and smile at the courage you have. I have found myself and have had my kids deal with that out in public. Erica was right people are just looking for a que from you. So keep that smile going and take your life back like you are and show people you may be wheelchair bound but you are spunky, sassy, fun and loving. Nothing can take that from you. It's not the life you wanted or looked forward to but it's still your life and only you can control it. Just by showing strength and courage you set an example to many. Keep up the good work and know our prayers and thoughts are with you. Love Laura and girls
ReplyDeleteALLIE my love,
ReplyDeleteWords can't explain how excited I am to see you this weekend!! I am so incredibly proud of you and happy you decided to go to the lobster feed with us! I look forward to stuffing our faces together- I'm looking forward to see your beautiful smile in 2 days :)
xoxo Bri
:) that was a good night for me as well dinner was awesome and allie, your still spunky and funny as ever and i love to be down at the house being part of the family . October brings Adams bday andddd mine on the same day ha . brothers ! i love all you guys, my second family.
ReplyDeletemuch love!
Alright Allie!!! Keep up the smile until it permeates your entire being and those around you!!!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, Allie. I pray for your inner peace, in addition to the healing of your body.
Wow! Mama Mia's! Henry Cowell Lobster! No more feeding tube! Freedom to go out and about! Big beautiful smiles!
ReplyDeleteThank you Lord for all these gifts. We pray Lord that Allie continues to mend both physically and spiritually. Lord please keep Allie in your loving arms. Take all fear away from her. Give her the strength You know she requires and give her the wisdom to know how much she is loved. Amen.
Peace & Love,
SLV MOM #Endless
I'm so jealous about the lobster feed! And if I didn't have to work I'd be going with you guys! I love my family (Aunts and Uncle Doug too), and I'm so very proud of you all :)
Deborah, Got your message the other day... Connor is doing great! We just had a few medical things that we had to have done that Eric didn't want to put over the blog... Thanks for asking. So good to hear that Allie got out and suggested the dinner out!! Whoo hoo!!! We all need it... although the first time we did dinner out, we found that tables were just a bit too low to pull Connor's chair under... so we had to do some quick rearranging to make seating work. I find that most places are so willing to work with you and make you as comfortable as possible. We always scope out the restaurants, and work at finding tables that are a bit out of the main flow... This makes Connor more comfortable too. Anyway, ... We need to set a date on the calendar for a trip to the Monterey Aquarium... I think it would be a lot of fun to get them out together... I know that a few of Connor's buddies would love to join in on the fun. So look at your calendar and pick a few dates that might work for you and the family. Sats. are more populated there I am sure but may be the best day for friends and hubbies to join in...... Sundays would work too... Let us know. Hugs to you and Allie.
ReplyDeleteA side note... When is trach change clinic? Are you guys going back to valley for her changes like Connor? They hold them once a month on a Thursday. We haven't been in since July, and are due one. We usually go in every other month... Connor prefers it that way. Let me know if you are able... I have been trying to get through on the phone to the clinic at Valley, and they don't return calls... haa haa Just wondering if Allie is going to the same place... Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHave been following the blog. Oh, it is So very good to read that Allie is smiling more and making jokes. I have been praying for her, as I am sure many have. I will continue to do so- and especially pray for her physical recovery. I never met you, Allie, but I almost feel like I know you, after following along all this time. It almost feels like we are all "family". You humble me and inspire me. I am in awe of you. Wishing you many blessings - and to your entire family.
ReplyDeleteI love you Allie and am praying for your recovery. You and your family are so inspiring. Love to read the blog.
ReplyDeleteOh something else i wanted to ask ! Wheres the Rally for Allie tshirts cause they sold out of my size at the roller rink rally. XL i like big shirts. Am i gonna have to get an eighteenth birthday tat instead? lol . let me know
ReplyDelete-MUCH LOVE-