Hi Everyone,
This morning I came out to the kitchen looked out the window at the beautiful sun shining and felt so good. The good feeling lasted about five seconds and then the sadness fell around me like fog. My girl is still unable to move, breathe on her own and is sad every day. So this is how Allie feels in the morning. See my nights are so interrupted with suctioning and all of Allie's other care that I don't think I've ever really had time to have that false sense of "all's well with the world this morning". I was up last night as much as ever. Still...I don't know if it was that I slept in later than usual, the incredible sun, the time change, the fact that we spent a lot of time outside yesterday or just that time is a healer even in the worst of situations. For those five seconds life was great. I do remember how it feels and am going to do my best to hold on to that and practice stretching out those five seconds!!
Allie's pain continues to haunt her more days than not. She has some stronger meds now and has chosen to take them a few times although she remains very conservative with their use as she worries about addiction. She has had some shortness of breath when she's up, which is a new problem, but if I temporarily increase the volume on her ventilator she seems to be fine.
The last couple of weeks Allie has shown some incredible progress in her desire to try new things. She has decided to try and do some painting. Auntie Vicky helped us as we shopped at Beverly's for some supplies. John F. has given Allie an easle and dad is working on a way to adapt it so that Allie can reach it. I can't wait to see her creations. She has always been artistic and she certainly has a lot to express.
Last week Allie surprised me again by saying she wanted to go to the mall to buy a gift for Brianna, who just had her 21st birthday. Now anyone that knows Allie, knows she is no stranger to the mall! But since her accident she has refused to go. She's very uncomfortable with the way she looks and hates it when people stare. So with Jordan along to help (thanks Jordan) we headed out. Jordan, by the way, has become quite competent at transfers and has even suctioned. So we went to the bank in town where Allie had business to take care of and did so with the help of Carmen (thanks Carmen). And then we drove to the Capitola Mall. It was wonderful to see Allie taking the time to not only shop for Brianna but a few things for herself too. We had dinner at Chili's and headed home. It was a great day. All three of us had a lot of fun. This trip was yet another milestone for Allie. Sure some people stare but not everyone. Most people are sensitive and do what they can to ease her discomfort. She still has just a whisper but is increasingly more comfortable with communicating with people and most seem to have no problem understanding her. I watch her take control more and more. Ordering food in a restaurant or talking with a banker a few months ago was so much harder for her than it is now.
Friday night Allie had a little surprise party for Brianna. Allie chose decorations and directed us as to where they should go. It was a small gathering of a few friends but a very good time was had by all. The thing about fun times is that with many ups there are the downs. That night Allie and I talked until about four in the am. Her despair so great. She asks me such difficult questions that I am grateful it is dark, so she can't see the tears streaming down my face. She wants the same things we all want. She's not asking for anything unreasonable. She doesn't want riches. She doesn't want to be famous. She doesn't want to be powerful. She wants to go be with her friends. She wants to work and go to school. She wants someone to love and love her. She wants to be a wife and mom someday. She wants to walk and breathe on her own. When mom do you think they will come up with a treatment for me? How will we be able to pay for it? Do you really believe it is going to happen? I don't want to live like this for too much longer mom. It won't be worth it if it goes on too long. Allie's determination and then feelings of hopelessness are so strong. Her arguments so compelling. Her insights so profound. The things she talks about, her outlook, frustration and emotional pain and logic astounds me. I am challenged by her in one way or another every day. We are not a family that gives up. We will not give up and even on the most difficult of days we must find faith and if she can't, it is our job to help her. Lucky for us we have all of you to help.
The last few days we've been getting out and soaking up a bit of the afternoon sun. It sure helps to get outside. We continue to have visits, good wishes, great meals, letters and support from friends and family. We are so incredibly blessed to have such a strong support group. Allie and I use to argue about which of us had a bigger and better group of friends. It seems that now the groups have merged and we can now together enjoy these amazing people.
I am so excited about spring and summer. I am hoping that Al's neck will be strong enough soon so that we can get out for some more adventures. It is still unclear when and where Allie will be going for her rehab but we should be hearing something soon.
Time is so much more powerful than I ever realized. A year to someone fifty so much shorter than to someone twenty. A day so much more precious to someone that is having their last day, than to someone that is suffering and tolerating their way through the day.
Thank you for all your prayers, love & support. We could not do this without you, please know that.
Love, Peace & Happiness,

Monday, March 15, 2010
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I can not wait to come home in two and a half weeks to soak up some sunshine with you Al, love you so very much girlfriend
love you both...i had such a good week last week and i think its cuz i had my sunshine allie to hang with 4 out of the 7 days lol..And get to practicing on this canvas' i brought over, i want my friend to be famous...i get one of the first paintings tho ;) xoxo, jordan
ReplyDeleteenjoy the sunshine today, its already beautiful.. maybe rock out to those new cds i got ya while sittin out on the porch!
I'm so proud of Allie and how strong she is. I am also excited for Sring and Summer and hope we can go to West Cliff soon for a stroll. See you soon!
ReplyDeleteProud of you Ali!
ReplyDeleteI learned about Allie through Eric Williamson and his blog about his son, Connor. I now subscribe to "Rally for Allie".
ReplyDeleteI am praying for Allie. I know that life is extremely difficult for her. I believe in the power of prayer to bring comfort in difficult times.
I'm glad that Allie was able to go to the mall and have a good time. I'm glad she was able to throw a surprise party for Brianna. She is an unselfish lady to think about someone else while she is going through a tough time herself.
Eric mentioned that you are visiting with his family on Saturday. I will pray that all goes well, and that you have a fun time!
Jody McRoberts :>}
praying for you every day! :) xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm Linda and I have been following here for some time. Allie - you continue to amaze me, inspire me, and humble me. Through reading about your journey, I have been reminded not to take anything for granted - Life, health, family. I remember to be thankful each day. You are on my daily prayer list. As always, wishing you many blessings~
ReplyDeleteDear Deborah and Allie,
ReplyDeleteI just arrived at work from spending the day/night with you guys, and read the update, again amazed by my sisters writing. (can't wait for the book) With each visit I feel honored and blessed to be part of such an incredible family, Allie each visit you do something that amazes me last night it was your kindness and wisdom beyond your years with Adam. With the trials you two experience each day you always have time and unselfishness for others.. I love you both!!
See you soon, Aunt Vicky
Allie, Allie, you are amazing. You make me smile everyday. You should see all the pics of you at my desk.....Oh well maybe that makes me seem a bit nuts, but you are my HERO and pics of those you admire are a good thing right. It was so nice having dinner with you guys. You and your family are the most loving and warm people ever. Looking forward to more chats in the sun on your deck and visits. I will bring you some homemade soft bread, not too chewy. Maybe even some with cheese in it. Love you dearly girl. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteSLV Mom just checking in to say you are not forgotten and our prayers for your healing are never ending.
ReplyDeleteKeep being you Allie.
Lord thank you for Spring and Spring break to bring Allie's old school chums home for awhile.
It's good to feel the sunshine again and perhaps lift your spirits even if it's only for 5 seconds.
Peace and Prayer coming your way.
Allie I had the best surprise birthday! I can't believe you surprised me lol. I was mostly shocked when you told me you went to the mall... you are the best! I can't wait to come home for summer so we can finally get some crab sandwiches! I know Jordan called first dibs, but I want seconds with your creations pretty please :)
ReplyDeleteI love you,
HI My name is Terrell and i heard your story today at my dentist appointment and my heart goes out to you, i am a RN and have worked respite care over the years with people just like Allie and i know how hard it can be, I also know the pain your going through because 5 years ago my 41 year old Husband was in a motorcycle accident and laid still in a coma for months, they said he would be a vegatable, but i didnt believe them and i fought for him, i brought him home at 6 months, he could hold his head up he had to wear a diaper i had to body lift him, he had a feeding tube... it has not been a easy five years, some nights i still dont sleep much but life is good,, i to look at him and want to cry and yell at God and ask why, but today the reason why is to try and be there for others like, you,, we have a hyperbaric chamber which i think helped alot and now we are going to Mexico for stem cell treatment next week. I would love to stay in contact with you and let you knwo what has been working for us,,, my email is tlcnursingceus@yahoo.com.. i wrote a book called Dont Pull That Plug, you can look at it at terrellclima.com, if you would like a copy i would love to send you one,, what i want you to know the most right now is the first two years are just healing times, the body has gone through so much,, dont think this is it please it gets better and prayer works way better then any thing a doctor can offer, we will for sure keep Allie in our prayers and please contact me at my email i am more then happy to help in any way i can, again that makes our journey worth it.. God Bless Terrell Clima
ReplyDeleteThinking of you today, one year later, and praying for you, and a cure.
ReplyDeletespeaking of, I saw something interesting on tv the other day....and thought of Allie and Jerry - could use something like this...anyway, read on.....
Scientists at a program called DARPA have created an exoskeleton (sp?) - for military purposes, as seen on tv this week....as I watched all I could think of was --wow- this could possibly be something that could eventually be used to help paralyzed people walk again. Difficult to describe but worth googling it to see what I am talking about. Very futuristic, very sci-fi, Star Trek style- remember "the Borg".....
Stem cell, machine, whatever science can do to get you up and moving again. If you google it, don't be put off by the size, complexity, but rather try to visualize one streamlined, adapted for paralyzed people...
Keep being brave. Prayers for much to make you smile, always.